Most of the unclaimed property is from financial institutions. Old bank accounts that you may have forgot to close and just forgot about, also insurance payments or refunds if the company couldn’t get in contact with you. I posted the link to my home state on my personal Facebook and quite a few people found some money from places like PayPal, utility deposits, just about anything you can think of where someone could have money they didn’t know about any more.
Let me know if you find yourself some extra money that you didn’t know about or had forgotten about! Feel free to share this post so that your friends all over the country can easily find the proper place in their home state to search for unclaimed property. Also, if you have lived in more than 1 state, make sure to check them all! You could have money left behind from a previous state!
AnnaRichards says
Where is the money coming from?
Julie says
It is money in accounts that you may have lost. It is like deposits, old bank accounts. I have seen a few long lost PayPal accounts. When companies can’t get a hold of a person to give them their money they turn it over to the state where the person resided. The state then allows you to search online, when you find money that you are owed you claim it back from your state!
Rebekah Webb says
I Like to know if I have any unclaimed money??
Julie says
Follow the links to your home state and then search for your name!
Crystal says
What if you think its your name, but the address is unknown?
Julie says
If you think it may be you then you can probably claim. I am not sure which state you are in, but here in Texas I had to send in a copy of my drivers license and my social security card. It also asked for papers proving I lived at the former addresses but I couldn’t find anything so I sent it in without that (it says send what you can, even if it isn’t everything here). Hopefully it will work out and I will get my money (I know for a fact it is mine).
Julie says
Thanks for letting me know. I updated those 2 links. This post is a few years old, so I have to do some updating on it when there are changed links!