Humans have found a new way play on the old saying “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”.
It now goes something more like “one man’s trash is another man’s cash”.
Dumpster diving is the term used for people who salvage a variety of products from the garbage of stores, apartments, etc.
It is now becoming more popular for people to brave the unpleasant conditions of climbing into a dumpster to score some amazing finds and skip-out on expensive bills.
Many people have are saving hundreds, even thousands, of dollars on goods, including hair products, high end makeup, clothing, and more, that would, otherwise, be very expensive.
Turning Dumpster Finds into Profit
So how exactly are people making money off of diving into dumpsters?
Well, first, you figure out what products you want to dive for. Makeup and hair care products seems to amongst the best finds and most popular around the heavy savers’ community.
After that, you choose a store to begin your treasure hunting adventure. Figure out the store’s trash schedule. For instance, if the trash is gone by Wednesday morning then you should probably go Tuesday evening. Also, try to go after the store has closed to avoid possible confrontation with any staff.
Then…you dive.
Now you take your great finds to an online platform where you can make some sales. Many people utilize Facebook groups that are specifically for dumpster diving supporters.
Individuals who sell goods clean the products off, select those that are in good condition and list them in the groups for sales or trades with other members.
Some other routes to take would be utilizing ecommerce platforms, such as Ebay and Craigslist to unload your inventory.
Be sure to clean things thoroughly – some divers recommend rubbing alcohol and soaking in water – and being open and honest about your products.
Safety Tips
If you’re interested in stepping into the lavish life of acquiring some expensive items for zero the cost, there are a few things you may want to consider and be aware of before beginning.
Make sure you check into the laws related to dumpster diving in your state. If you do happen to get approached by a police officer or staff of a store, it may be best to be honest and non-confrontational.
Be careful while handling the trash and look out for harmful objects, such as sharp objects or chemical spills. You may want to bring some rubber gloves and face masks along, especially until you get the hang of it.
Many companies have begun to cover their throw-outs in liquids and oils, such as lotions and conditioner, to discourage divers. This is known in the dumpster diving community as “soup”. Although it may be difficult to get through sometimes, don’t let it stop you from having success with your finds.
Start turning Your Trash into Cash
Now that you’ve gotten a basic outline of how you can being your dumpster diving lifestyle…get to saving!
Then, get to making money!
Let us know about any tips, tricks or stories you have from dumpster diving.