Free Red Velvet Oreo Cookie Giveaway – Enter now to win 1 of 20,250 packages before they hit the shelves! You can enter DAILY between now and January 22, 2015. Once you enter, SHARE with friends, so they can enter too!
Freebies, Sweeps, Coupons, Deals, Penny Shopping and More!
Carolyn Bussey says
I have never gotten
Patricia says
Love messing around with oreos in recipes Mississippi mud slide is the be SDt
Leslie Moran says
i entered lets hope i win 🙂 <3 Peace and Love <3
Brenda says
Done!! Hope I win!!
Susan says
Michelle Beadle says
Entered. I hope I win, my son LOVES red velvet cake, he wants to try these too.
Barbara says
Why is it that you have things that are no longer available?
mary says
I won-